How we learn

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David Kolb’s Learning Cycle or Learning Loop

Comprises four steps:

1. Concrete Experience (something happens)
2. Reflective Observation (you think about it)
3. Abstract Conceptualisation (you identify a pattern)
4. Practical Experimentation (you test your theory)
 back to
5. Concrete Experience (something happens)
 and so on.

Honey & Mumford

Honey & Mumford said different people prefer to start at different points.

Activist - hands on
Theorist - lectures on the reasoning and theories
Pragmatist - likes workshops and simulations
Reflectors - observe, review, compare theory and practice

These are only start points; people need access to learning in all ways.

Competence Model

The Competence Model goes from from unconscious incompetence to unconscious competence.

Unconscious Incompetence – you don't know what you don't know
Conscious Incompetence – you know what you don't know
Conscious Competence – you know that you can do it now
Unconscious Competence – you can do it without thinking about it.

The Change Curve

The Change Curve:

Anger or blame
‘Bargaining’ (if only…) and self-blame
Depression and confusion
Problem solving

Bridges Transition

William Bridges. Change Transition. Bridges Transition. He differentiated between change and transition.

3 stages: Endings; Neutral Zone, New Beginnings.


Scope; why; celebrate the past; communicate.

Neutral Zone

Communication; share problems and solutions; share pictures of the new beginning.

New Beginnings

Make sure people know where they are going and how to get there. Behaviours. Celebration of change milestones.

This process does not feel right to me.


Motivation can be intrinsic and extrinsic.

Provision of Hygiene Factors can motivate:

Supervision, Working Conditions, job security, salary, relationship stuff.

Motivators - can work, but only if hygiene factors are resolved.

Learning new skills, being selected for new roles, increased responsibility.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

Physiological; safety; love; esteem; self-actualisation.

Learning & Survival Anxiety & Psychological Safety

This is a shitty approach.

Create a culture of anxiety so people are more worried about surviving the change than the effort required to learn it.

Psychological Safety is the creation of positive messages to deal with the survival anxiety and learning anxiety.

Carl Rogers and Unconditional Positive Regard

Carl Rogers talked about Congruence, Unconditional Positive Regard and Empathy. This did not float my boat.

Lewin's Method of Change

Lewin Unfreeze. Unfreeze, Change, Refreeze.

Uses Force Field Analysis: arrows pushing toward the desired state and those resisting change pushing to the left.

A simple approach for one-off changes.

Kotter’s Eight Step Method

Kotter’s Eight Step Method: Create urgency; form a powerful coalition; create a vision for change; communicate the vision; empower action; create quick wins; build on the change; make it stick.

Senge’s Systems Thinking

Senge’s Systems Thinking:

Identify desired behaviour; measure the gap; change actions of leaders; change priorities of team members; staff allocate time to the new behaviours.

Types of Change

Types of change: Planned, Unplanned, Emergent.